Idol Worship in the 21st Century
I'm not a legalist when it comes to the things of God. I believe Jesus came to set us free from the law and bring us liberty in love. Aside from there being order, I don't believe God prescribed any particular order of worship or how we worship. Jesus so simply put it. We are to love the Lord our God with our whole heart, whole mind, and whole strength.. He also said we are to love our neighbor as our self. All of the law hangs on these two things.
The Gap is Widening
There seems to be an ever increasing gap between perceived Christian living and following Christ in the world today. Too many people believe what they have learned about Christianity from Hollywood or from their friend who has an acquaintance who is one of those radical born again Christians. I have a thought about that and it is based on Scripture.
The Promise of New Life
It was 2:20 am on a cool April night when my very pregnant wife woke me. It was time. This did not bring me joy. It brought me a bit of panic. A few hours later I saw my son, Aidan, born. He was big and loud, which hasn't really changed over the years. Regardless of the pain Kelly endured, and the uncertainty and inadequacy I felt, we were overcome with joy with this gift of new life. Two years later similar feelings swept over us as our daughter, Emma breathed her first breath of life.
Storms at Sea Show Our Faith
Have you noticed how Jesus faced storms? There are a couple of times in the book of Matthew where we read about Jesus and his response to storms and the disciples' response to the same storms. Now before you say, "I've heard this before" and click the close button, hear me out. I'm not focusing on the disciples' reaction. I'm focusing on Jesus' reaction.
It's All a Matter of Perspective
In one of the most recognizable passages of scripture we see something, at least at first glance, similar. The army of Israel under the kingship of Saul was facing the Philistine army in the Valley of Elah. Each day, for 40 days, a champion from the Philistine army would come out and challenge the Israelites. They were scared to death of him. He was 9 feet 9 inches tall and wore 175 pounds of armor. Then along comes David.
The Danger of Self Reliance
A song from my pre-Christian days in the 80s popped into my head the other day. A portion of the lyrics goes, “Here I go again on my own. Going down the only road I’ve ever known.” I don’t know what brought that to the forefront of my mind at the time. But it caused me to think and rejoice. Yes, a Heavy Metal Rock song from the 80s caused me to reflect and rejoice in the fact that since June 18, 1989, I no longer had to face anything alone. That was the night that I asked Jesus Christ to forgive me of my sins and to be the Lord of my life.
When God created man, He created man for relationship and for fellowship. The Bible says in Genesis that God saw that man shouldn’t be alone and He created a help mate, woman, to come alongside him so that he would not be alone. God never intended for us to be alone, or to go it alone. Sometimes our pride gets in the way of that. How many times have you found yourself in some sort of trouble that could have been avoided if you had only asked for help?