
Western Glasses

Being a child and teenager of the 1970s and early 1980s, I learned how to view the world through a certain lens, let’s call it “western glasses”. From that world view I formed opinions and theories. In my own mind, these opinions and theories were consistent with how I viewed things through my “western glasses” and I labeled them as true and correct. I was able to conjure up justifications for feelings that I had for entire people groups and actions I took all based on my own view and my own ideology that had been learned by viewing the world through my “western glasses”. Time has proven that the learned view, the supposed ideas and truths that were manifested in my mind and opinion based on my viewpoint were a bit off. Sometimes more off than others, but nonetheless, off.

I like to think that I am a fair minded individual, who gives others the benefit of the doubt. Yes, some have labeled me, at times, as overly optimistic, or having a Pollyanna attitude. I like to think that is the hope I have in Jesus Christ. I believe the Lord has gifted me with the ability to step outside of a situation and view it from all sides and render an informed opinion or judgment. This is a marked difference from when I was a young man without Jesus, wandering aimlessly spiritually and knew everything I ever needed to know (tongue firmly planted in cheek).

I have often said, the most difficult part of being a minister and preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ, is bringing cultural context to scripture. We have to understand, not only the written word, but also the cultural, social, and political context in which it was written and to whom it was written at the time. We have often taken scripture out of context, maybe not typographically, but socially, culturally, and politically. We tend to view scripture from our own viewpoint, and not from the author’s viewpoint. We have a tendency to put on our “western glasses” before reading and studying scripture. We’ve got it backwards.

We need to stop reading the Bible and viewing God with our “western glasses” on and start viewing the world with our “Jesus glasses” on. Some who are reading this have heard me preach. Some have had me pray for them. There is something I often pray when closing a service. I frequently make this request to the Lord for myself. What is it you ask? I ask the Lord to let me see people the way He sees them. I ask Him to show me the world the way He sees the world. And, when I have the courage, I ask Him to break my heart with the things that break His heart.

Friends, if you pray that sincerely, standby. We live in a world that is fraught with hopelessness and despair. There are no borders when it comes to homelessness or hunger. There are no social hierarchies when it comes to medical needs and spiritual needs. There is no “saved” and “lost” when Jesus is pouring out His blessings. There is no conservative or liberal, rich or poor, capitalist or communist, male or female, when God is looking on humanity. There are only people. There is only creation which was created for love and relationship. There is a God who sent His one and only Son to pay the price to bring His creation back into relationship with Him.

Friends, let’s stop viewing the Bible and the world with our man made glasses and start viewing the scripture and world (both God’s creation) with His glasses. Ask Him sincerely and He’ll show you.

May the Lord bless you and keep you as we travel on this journey together.

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