
God's Will For Your Life

Vocational ministers or professional clergy get to hear questions from people that are not normally asked in casual conversation. The questions change a little bit depending on the role; pastor, chaplain, evangelist, or missionary. The questions, however, are consistent in large part. One of the common questions is "What is God's will for my life?" I heard it often as a youth pastor and I thought it would diminish as I transitioned to ministering to adults predominantly. It hasn't. People's thoughts of their lives and God's plan and purpose for them seem to transcend generations. The part that is interesting to me and my subject today is not specifically God's will for your life, or you knowing that will, but your motivation in wanting to know it.

As a youth pastor I've been in many conversations like this:

   Student: I want to know what God's plan is for my life.
Me: Spend time in prayer and reading His word. He'll make it apparent to you as time unfolds.
   Student: But will I be rich?
   Me: Maybe, maybe not.
   Student: Will I marry the man/woman of my dreams?
   Me: If God gave you the dream and you've been open to His interpretation of those dreams, yes.
   Student: Why can't I know everything God has planned for me now?
   Me: Because God only reveals to us what we need to know to traverse through that moment in our life. If we knew more, we wouldn't need to seek Him at each twist and turn.
   Student: (sigh)

The interesting thing about that general conversation is it's not only set in a youth/teen setting. I've had similar conversations with men and women of all ages. What is this desire to know God's complete will for our lives? Why are we so fixated on the will and not doing what He asks of us each and every day? Why do we allow the simple things He has asked of us to not be done all the while seeking some greater purpose for our lives? There are a couple of answers. The first answer is simple, and we are all guilty of it. Selfishness.

Look at the statement, "I want to know what God's will is for my life." I have heard people say this over and over. I have heard people pray this. I have had people ask me to pray for them so they could know this. What's wrong with that statement? It's simple, really. It's way out of balance. There is a lot of "I" in there with only one instance of "God". The statement and the desire behind is all about the individual not about God. The individual making the statement wants to know what's in it for them. This is what the sinful nature and selfishness brings out in us. We need to fight it.

Jesus, when delivering the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew's gospel, tells us that what is in our hearts is what condemns us. If you hate someone, you are guilty of murder. If you lust after someone, you are guilty of adultery. What is in your heart when you make the statement, "I want to know what God's plan is for me and my life." Do you want to know so you can move forward in it or do you want to know because you are wondering about some of the specifics. Do you think if God gave you more detail than what you already have you would continue down that path? I have to be frank, if I knew parts of the path God had planned for me ahead of time, I probably would not have stayed on the path. However, as I look at each day as it comes and ask God to grant me what I need for that day to bring Him glory and suceed in His mission, I move easily down His path. When I hit the bumps or curves that I can't see around, I am confident to move steadily forward becasue I know He has always delivered in the past and promises to deliver in the future.

The other answer is impatience. We want what we want and we want it now. We've all heard the supreme example of impatience. Standing in front of the microwave tapping our foot waiting for the microwave to finish something in a minute that would have taken ten or more times as long on the stove or in the oven. I believe we are the same way wth God and His plan for our lives. We want to know what it is in its entirety and we want to know it now because we want to get to it. The simple fact is, you know what you can handle and what the timing is right for. Who is better to know what you can handle than He who created you. The One who designed and purposed you from the beginning of time. The One who knit you together in your mother's womb. God's timing is perfect, our's is nothing close.

So what is the 21st century follower of Christ to do? It's really quite simple. Jesus left us with instructions. He only told 120 or so to wait for something. That was the gift from the Father that came on the day of Pentecost. He generally gave us all the following instruction, to go into all the world making disciples. He told us to be witnesses. Neither of these things is something you do once and you are done. These are daily tasks and as we preach the gospel, in both speaking and in example of our daily lives, and as we are witnesses of the glories of God and how He has equipped us and uses us day in and day out, we will fulfill His plan and purpose for our lives. We don't need to know how our life is going to play out. In fact, when you said yes to Jesus and started following Him, you gave up the title to your life and it is not yours to really know what the plan and purpose is other than to share the love of Christ with your fellow man and serve God by serving man using the gifts and talents He has bestowed upon you. It's not your life anymore and you have no title to it. Get over it. Either you are following Christ and meeting each new day and new challenge with the confidence that He has already prepared you for that moment or you're not. Either you are moving through this life with a God given plan and purpose to serve God by serving man, or you are sitting still and about to get run over. Don't sit still! Don't rest on your laurels! Get moving for God! His plan will reveal itself in pieces as the need and time arises. Stay faithful! Trust the Creator! He has the perfect plan and has gifted you with what you need to face the world and carry out His plan each day. Be a witness to the wonderful things God has done in you, through you, and for you. Share it with others who are facing similar situations. Tell them how Jesus prepared you for that moment without you even realizing it at the time. Allow God to be sovereign in your life.

Don't worry about tomorrow for God already is there and has your best interests in mind.

Be blessed, my friends.

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