A friend recommended a book by Max Lucado recently. It's titled The Cure For The Common Life. The friend who recommended it said it sounded a lot like what I share with people when they are struggling with who they are in God. It's a great book so far, and I have no doubt it will be fantastic all the way through. Then on one of my weekly trips across the state I was listening to a podcast from Brian Houston of Hillsong Church. His podcast was reiterating the same thoughts from a different point of view and using different scriptures to make the point. I've taught and counseled this often and I believe the Lord wants me to share it with you.
We often struggle with who we are. We label ourselves and others, often times inappropriately. We try to stick people into boxes that make sense to us with little regard for that person. We try to shoe horn people into positions, places, or ways of doing things that is beneficial for us, but not necessarily for them or for the community at large. We need to embrace the fact that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We need to celebrate that God knit us together in our mother's womb and it was for a distinct purpose. God has a place in this world uniquely suited for you that only you can fill perfectly.
When I was a youth pastor one of the most common questions that teens would ask is, "What is God's will for my life?" This did not change when I transitioned to pastoring a church. Some struggle so much with that. They are afraid of making a mistake, or not living up to what God had chosen and made them for. Some are so stricken with fear of making the wrong decision that they make no decision. That's the worst thing you can do! Are you trying to figure out why God created you and for what? He gave you the desires of your heart. He gave you talents and abilities. He gave you all you need to succeed in Him. Measure that success with the measuring cup of scripture and the Holy Spirit, not with man's measuring cup or money, power, and prestige.
No one wants to be the proverbial square peg in a round hole. No matter how much fill dirt you put around that square post, it's still loose fill and the post will move a bit. Sure, you can add concrete, but that's an artificial means to make something fit, instead of choosing the right fit. It's like a key and lock. Each lock has only one key that will turn the cylinder and unlock the lock. There can be thousands of keys that fit into the cylinder, but there's only one that has the right notches spaced the right amount with each one cut to the correct depth. Every now and then you can find a key that is extremely close, and if you wiggle it around and keep at it, sometimes, the cylinder will turn and unlock the lock. Isn't it better to have the correct key? There's nothing like having the correct key that is machined perfectly for a lock. It slips right in and turns effortlessly.
I have found one of the main things God has equipped me and given me the desire to do is help others find who they are in Christ and what God designed and formed them to do. The best part of being and doing exactly what God created you for is satisfaction. You have a satisfaction that you are accomplishing something that contributes to God's master plan for the human race. There is little that helps me to feel better about myself than helping someone else figure out who they are in Christ and what God designed them uniquely to do in this world. I know the same holds true for you. You will find such great satisfaction when you are living in the perfect will that God designed your for; when you are accomplishing all that God has set you in this place at this time for.
Friends, God makes no mistakes. You were not a mistake. That unplanned child in your womb right now is not a mistake. God does not make mistakes. We get in trouble when we take things in our own hands and start trying to live up to the faulty expectations of people instead of God. Who says success is measured with wealth? Man. Who says success is measured with prestige? Man. Who says we are doing well when we have a house, 2 cars, 2 kids and a dog? Man. There is nothing wrong with any of these. There is nothing wrong with making $100,000 each year in salary, if that's what God has called and equipped you to do. Do you need to make in excess of $100,000 each year to share the love of Jesus Christ with those around you? No. Do you need that large salary to go on a short term missions trip to Africa and help people dig a clean water well? No. Does it take money? Yes, but God has that figured out and He has set people in place to provide that money, all you have to do is obey and do it. Maybe you are one of those kingdom financiers. Wonderful! Maybe you are a kingdom laborer. Wonderful! Nothing relieves us of Jesus' command to be witnesses of His sacrifice, love, mercy, and grace wherever we find ourselves.
Current estimates have the world's population at around 7 billion people. That's 7,000,000,000 people. God has created every one of those 7 billion uniquely with a unique purpose. Each purpose serves the rest. Whether it is a financier, laborer, teacher, official, or whatever, each one has a unique God planned purpose. All we can do, all we should do, is find that purpose God designed us for and live it to the fullest extent possible. Then be content with the results. You will find no greater joy in your life than knowing you are living up to God's expectations, not someone else's. You will find no greater satisfaction in your life than the satisfaction you have knowing you are being and doing exactly what God has created you for.
So, take an inventory of your life. What skills has God given you? What activities bring you joy? How can you contribute to the welfare of your fellow man? These are the things God has created you for. They may not fit another person's plan for you, but we need only worry about God's plan for you.
I leave you with this last piece of scripture. It is my favorite verse and sums up the matter completely. "Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind.", Ecclesiastes 12:13.
Be blessed, my friends!
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