Summer is over and my children are uttering the all too familiar "I'm bored" less now that there is home work and school night bed times. When they do utter that amazing phrase I have to smile and ask, "Would you like me to find you something to do?" They almost never take me up on it. When they do they begrudgingly do what I've asked them only halfheartedly. It's obvious they don't want to. The same holds true for us followers of Jesus Christ. We get so caught up in the emotion or experiencing of life that when the "good feeling" isn't there, we get bored. We get caught up in routine. It's as if we are saying to God, "I'm bored." There is a scriptural answer to this phenomenon.
Last week I shared in Be Who God Made You To Be that one of the chief tasks I believe the Lord has called me to is to help people find their place in the body of Christ. I'm to help people find that way to contribute to the community of believers and this world and equip them for that service. The greatest thing about figuring out what the call is that God has placed on your specific life is you are no longer bored or rarely fall into going through the motions. You have purpose and desire when you know the calling God has placed on you. You have energy from a source, God himself, that is everlasting! You are compelled to see the task you have been uniquely designed, gifted, and equipped for and face it head on with a smile on your face and a determination in your heart. You are compelled!
The Lord has gifted me in a few areas and I enjoy using those gifts to ready the people of God for their particular task and cheer them on. It should not be amazing that when I am working within the boundaries that the Lord has established for me and I am doing what He has equipped me to do, I don't get bored. I don't get dissatisfied with the results when I have put everything He has given me into the task at hand. I don't fall into the attitude of routine. I am compelled to do what He's asked me to do. I am compelled to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with people. I am compelled to help people find their God given gifts and abilities and hone them for use in the kingdom. I am compelled to encourage people and help people. I am unstoppable when I am working within that zone and within the boundaries God has set for me,.
We don't worry about what we face when we are compelled. Paul is recorded in Acts 20:22 as being compelled to go to Jerusalem. As you continue to read you see he knows he is facing hardships and jail. He knows he will be persecuted. He also knows that by following God, it is all worth it. He is compelled. He couldn't turn aside if he wanted to. We face obstacles without wavering when we are compelled to perform the task and complete the mission God has given us and the Holy Spirit has empowered us for.
Paul also writes in his first letter to the church in Corinth that he is compelled to preach the gospel. He goes on to say, "Woe to me if I do not preach." Everyone is not gifted in preaching, much like everyone is not gifted in carpentry, administration, or athletics. We all have the gifts God has given us for the purpose He has uniquely designed each of us for. The take-away from this verse is that Paul is compelled to preach. He says woe to himself if he doesn't. He's just got to do it. He can't help himself. What compels you the same way? What talents and abilities do you have that would cause you to ache if they weren't used?
We know that we are not working within the arena the Lord has set for us when we fall into the mundane of the tasks. When we are bored with what we are doing. There is excitement when we are doing exactly what He has called us to do. You can see it on people's faces when they are in the zone versus when they are not. You can tell by their countenance when they are doing what God has compelled them to do, or doing what the world says they ought to be doing. I see it on the faces of the staff at my children's school. The staff there know their place in God's kingdom and are compelled to excel at what He has designed, equipped, and prepared them for. The beneficiaries of this are not only the children, but the children's families and all the people that their families interact with.
That is what happens when you find what God has designed you for and you fully engage. You are compelled to carry out that function. People around you are affected and take notice. They ask questions and are attracted to what is inside you, the Holy Spirit. You then have opportunity to share the love of Jesus Christ and the story of his birth, life, death, resurrection, and subsequent return with credibility and authenticity. This is where your compulsion and drive comes from, and they can have that same compulsion and drive that brings more than satisfaction. It brings the knowledge that they, too, are a unique creation of God with a specific gift and mission to the world.
Be blessed, my friends, and know that God has a unique plan and purpose for you. You will not be satisfied until you set aside what the world says you are or should be, and start being who God made you to be and doing what He equipped you to do. When you find that, and live that, you also will be compelled!
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